The internet was made for people who hold grudges.
Got a good start on killer cop story. Continuous minor edits on the other 2 pieces to get them to mesh as a novel.
Deleted 85 instances of the word "my" from the P.I. section. Thanks, Mittens!
Test on Islam Friday. Guess I'd better read the textbook Thursday. Heh.
The 10-15k word novelette is a great format to work in -- long enough to have some room to play and let things develop, short enough to allow consistent pacing.
I don't want to do my speech in Communications class. But I will. It's worth 2 letter grades. Tee-dubya-oh. I'd be willing to bail on the class and take a B, but not a C.
Tuesday nights are a little dull if you don't watch "Lost" and everyone else in the house does. On the other hand, I've spent many an hour screwing around on the computer on Wednesdays.
30,000 words.
Ever read something on the web attributed to George Carlin that isn't by him? Me neither.
Does Blogger have a hit counter widget? Or have they decided that my need for external validation is annoying and they have decided to break me of it?
I believe it was Stephen King who said that writers are masters of revenge. Or was it Harlan Ellison? No, now that I think about it it must have been George Carlin.
Spent half an hour researching a company that irritated me last fall. Looks like I'm not the only one. Don't buy anything from www . unbeatablesale . com.
Can't wait to get over to State.
Michael Swanwick's Ten Rules For New Writers
*Michael Swanwick's Ten Rules for New Writers*
1. Read everything. Read voraciously. Read so much that people who love you
are concerned.
2. Write ...
1 week ago